The Heart
The Heart | My Life.. My Emotions
The answer is so simple for me as a Muslim, not any Muslim. I choose to be Muslim not because my parents were Muslims.
The answer is:
♦ about 90%: Yes.
♦ about 10%: No.
How is that?
It depends on the Muslim's ideology. Muslims who follow Mohammed's ideology have "The Non-Terror Islam". While those who believe the ideology which created by Caliphs after Mohammad's death, is pure Terrorism.
So simple, right?
I Think we need to define the "Muslim" next time.
♦ I opened my eyes on a war.
♦ I had to work at age of 10 years old.
♦ I took the father's duties for years in a society that gives no rights to the mother to work or do anything out of the house. I was responsible of my mom and five younger brothers and sisters.
♦ I was clever in the school thanks God, otherwise I would not be able to finish my education.
♦ Continued my education and working at the same time. I even finished the MSc degree in Engineering.
♦ Finished the military service.
What was the price that I had to pay for all this?!
♦ I missed the whole childhood of my life.
♦ My relationship to my family is not so strong. I didn't feel that I belong to that house.
♦ I had no friends at all, because I had no time for them.
♦ I had no money, because I had to fund a big family.
After the graduation, I start feel how lonely I was. I don't know anybody in my own town. No university friends were close to me. Most of the left the country.
I was totally alone!!
"I have to get better job" I told to myself. "I have high education now".
No!!... Not even a chance in such a country of Sectarianism.
I had no time to make plans. I had to leave the country. Everything is going to another war. This time I can not make it. The few friends I had are already died in the last war.
I had to walk 6 monthes to the new home. Long tough journey.. to start over.
My education is not accepted here.. I have to study something else to get a job. I worked hard for 3 years to finish the course and get a job. And started working hardly. I feel the years are passing away and I am still on zero. I have nothing in this life.
I decided to get a family. Get married with the first girl I could find.. after 2 years I got twins. Oh not again, I have to work harder now. My wife is sick and I should take care about everybody.
Now I am over 40 years old, and still feel lonely!
I big distance starts to appear between me and my wife..
I feel that I had to accept being alone person.. and not get a family.
Loneliness is my destiny.
Who's mistake was that?!
A true picture of the two men picked from Damascus in 1889
The christian Samir was paralyzed and dwarf. And Mohammed the blind Muslim who carries Samir on his back.
The dwarf Samir depends on Muhammad in his travels through the streets of Damascus. As he was blind Mohammed also depends on Samir to guide him on the road and warn him of the pits and obstacles.
One sees and another walk. They complemented each other and stubborn cruelty of life. They were orphans. Lonely without a mother or father. The mercy of God gathered them together. They decided to dwell together in one room, and worked in the same place. Samir was a storyteller working in one of the cafees in old Damascus, while Mohammed was selling wetlands chickpeas in front of the same cafee and listen to Samir tells stories in the cafee.
When Samir died, stayed Mohammed crying non-stop for a whole week. Then found dead sorrow for his other half.
It is Sunday. Tomorrow I will get back to work after a long week with sickness. I miss my beloved “Night Owl”. She is sick too. I hope that she will be better soon. I am going to continue pray for her. I am spending some time with her photos. She is really charmed Lady. But we live on opposite sides of the planet.
"Children of War"... is the term that my Beloved Night Owl used to finish our discussion about the difficulties that we faced in our lives. How many years that we lost because of the wars, or the hard circumstances that surrounded our families in our childhood.
At the moment I'm 43 years old. But my brain believes that I am just 33. I'm not trying to be younger indeed. This is how my mind takes it. It seems that the lost childhood is not taken as a part of my lifetime according to my brain.
Young man in an older body..
Young man with every single emotion that any young person has..
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